Saturday, September 14, 2013

CD 15 Positive Ovulation!!

Just got a positive using 2 opk (ovulation predictor kit) I've been using CBFM and the Clear blue digital (for back up I had extras from last cycle) 

This is what it looks like when you have a peak or surge, three bars with a little circle represents and "egg" haven't seen EWCM (egg white cervical mucus) or "watery" CM (cervical mucus) to indicate an early + opk. 
Once you get your + opk BD (baby dance/have sex) the day of, next day, wait a day then bd again! 

Here is the clear blue digital opk. This is simply really easy to use just insert stick every morning and wait till it give you a smiley face. Non fertile days it gives you a 0. 

Fingers cross this is our month!! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cycle day 10: Clear Blue Fertility Monitor

On cd 10 clear blue fertility monitor  asked to insert a stick. 
Here is what the CBFM looks like when it asked for a stick 

Here is the ovulation stick 

Inserted the stick after 15 seconds of first morning stream 

Cycle 10 is high fertility or 2 stage of monitor. 
Once you see this BD (baby dance/sex) every other day till it hits peak then BD that day and next day!! 

This is our 2nd month using the CBFM wish us luck!! 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Round 5 Cd 7

I'm on cycle day 7 and the CBFM (clear blue fertility monitor) has not ask for a test yet. My first month it told me to insert a stick on Cd 6, but according to the reviews it stores all the info and stores it for better results here is what mines looks like.  Nothing yet will post once it turns to high! 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Clear Blue fertility motor

As you all may know, i have been using the clear blue digital ovulation kit that come 20 ct in a box for the past 4 cycles. Round 4 and after reading countless reviews about the motor we decided to purchase it. Best price was on Costco website $160 with 30 test strips.  It comes with a manual that's like 20 pages long. Read it and re-read it before using it so you know how to use it. Use the first morning of Cd 1 you would have up to Cd 5 to program it. Every morning turn it on till it ask you to insert a test stick. It will go from low to high then to peak. 

This will be my second cycle with this Monroe baby dust!! 

DH sperm analysis

DH (darling husband) has a mid low mobility sperm. 51% of sperm were not moving and only 12% are high grade movement. She said that analysis doesnt indicate infertility but low fertility. 

The dr has recommend the following vitamins (please consult with dr before taking any meds this is what our dr recommend for my DH) 

Vitamin C 500mg twice a day
Vitamin E 200 units per day no more 
Pycnogenol 120mg (amazon) 
CoEnzyme Q10 100mg 
Green Tea one cup per day
Dark Chocolate small piece 70% coco 

DH (darling husband) has been taking it for 2 months now and he says he has more energy and sperm is thicker. Tmi sorry her wakes up "with a tent" and gets  excited easier.   

Round 5: Clomid

Cycle day 6 and on my 5th round of Clomid. It's been a long and hard rode that's why I haven't been updating. 

Hopefully it happens in the next two cycles if not we will move into IUI, which we hope we don't have to.