Saturday, September 14, 2013

CD 15 Positive Ovulation!!

Just got a positive using 2 opk (ovulation predictor kit) I've been using CBFM and the Clear blue digital (for back up I had extras from last cycle) 

This is what it looks like when you have a peak or surge, three bars with a little circle represents and "egg" haven't seen EWCM (egg white cervical mucus) or "watery" CM (cervical mucus) to indicate an early + opk. 
Once you get your + opk BD (baby dance/have sex) the day of, next day, wait a day then bd again! 

Here is the clear blue digital opk. This is simply really easy to use just insert stick every morning and wait till it give you a smiley face. Non fertile days it gives you a 0. 

Fingers cross this is our month!! 

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